20s Are Hard - The Podcast

Your twenties are meant to be the best years of your life, you have more independence, you’re earning your own money, you can travel and just focus on exactly what you want to be doing…or at least that’s what we’re told. Your twenties also come with all the pressure to be achieving these things, along with everything else that adulthood throws at you, all the while you don’t really have a clue how you are meant to go about doing any of it. Often the plans you had just simply don’t work out, life happens and you’re left in a very different situation to the one you imagined you would be in. That isn’t to say that there aren’t lots of great times, it just may not all fall into place as perfectly as you had imagined. 

So with this in mind we started a podcast. 20s Are Hard is our fortnightly podcast that is going to discuss a wide range of topics from friendships and careers, to style and travel. We’re going to talk about it all plus give you some brilliant recommendations for the things we’re loving and what we’ve been up to recently. 

Every time we have a catch up we end up having discussions about topics that effect so many of us bumbling through our twenties. There was so much comfort in having these chats, realising we weren’t alone and working through the problems together that we figured we can’t be the only ones and maybe it would be great to share these with things with other people on a bigger platform. You name it, we’ll probably be discussing it, even those taboo subjects such as money, breaking up with friends and feeling totally lost with your career. Your twenties are great, you have independence, you’re building a career and having so many adventures, but they’re also really hard and sometimes it can all feel a bit overwhelming and we’re her to say that that’s okay! So we want to have these discussions hoping that they’ll help you too.

But don’t think that these podcasts are all doom and gloom about serious topics! Our chats frequently end up in fits of laughter, whether we end up on a tangent talking about cats or embarrassing accidents, corgi bums or our favourite new books, articles or podcasts, there’s something to entertain you too! 

So come and join us for a chat, we want everyone to get involved in the podcast and for it to be a platform where we can all share our stories and experiences. 

So be sure to go and follow @20sAreHard on Instagram and feel free to drop us an email to 20sAreHard@gmail.com with any feedback, comments on our recent topics or suggestions for future episodes. 

Our pilot episode and introduction is now live and the first full episode will be up on Wednesday 17th November, with all future episodes going up on alternate Wednesdays. It will be available on iTunes and ACast so come over, say hi and subscribe if you think it’s something you’re going to be interested in! 

Follow me on Instagram: @charlotte.phoebe 

Follow Helli on Instagram: @helenabradbury